Tuesday 17 February 2015

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

                                                                                    This is an Animated Gif

Question 4:Who would be the audience for your media product?


Question 3:What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


Question 2:How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


Saturday 14 February 2015

Double page spread text

Casually sitting in a downtown bar in New York, Matthew seemed calm, collected and completely in control of the room, despite being surrounded by his frantic manager and busy team. He was fast to make me feel at ease, offering a cup of tea and slice of Victoria sponge cake. Not your typical R&B artists tipple but he explained it reminded him of being back home (London).
Regardless of the fact its the morning after the most prestigious music award nights, The Grammy's, Matthew is still keen to get down to business. It was his 3rd time being nominated at the Grammy's but he explained how it is still such an honor. To be in a room with so many influential and talented people is crazy, plus its one hell of party. Parties arent exactly a new thing for Mr Force as hes a self-confessed wild child when he was younger. I just followed the fun, most of my song lyrics back in the day were to do with what went down. In addition to mad nights out, he has a lot of different musical inspirations. Pharrell played a huge part in Matthews evolution, along with Bruno mars. Both funnily enough got me through plenty of tough times; you know break ups and all. They stood out because theyre not only singers but also producers and inane songwriters they have the full package which has earned them a lot more respect in the industry, that was my ambition.
 As he sat in his perfectly tailored suit with his newly received Grammy on the side of the bar, it was clear Matthew had achieved just that. Now he has decided to go one step further and change music genre! I like to stir up a storm by this hes referring to his new controversial R&B album No love. Unlike the title suggest it was in fact his love that pushed him towards the move.
His recent engagement to Ashley Roberts (Pussy Cat Doll member) was a obvious trigger. Falling in love sure changes you as a man. I have matured and I wanted the lyrics & beats in the music to reflect that. I intrigued to delve deeper into how this album compared to his previous platinum selling record When lightning strikes. And before I could finish asking the question Matthew began to instantly drop the beat from one of his new tracks Sunset eyes. His beat boxing was completely on point. I was still in awe even after he had finished. The backing tracks are way more complex than in a pop song; its hard for even me to do! he said before reaching for a sip of tea. Luckily my new homie Timbaland was able to hook me up and help co-produce a lot of these songs
Along with catchy beats you can tell the new albums lyrics really do come from Matthews emotions. I know Im new to this sector of the business but I definitely feel more of a connection to artists speaking from their soul yano and I hope my fans feel that way too With this quote I sensed a acknowledgement to the recent feud hed faced with R.Kelly. When at the AMAs he was accused of having a ghost songwriter. When asked about the topic all Mr force had to say was R.kelly who? with a chuckle, the tension was clearly still there.
Aside from things that had happened previously we were also able to discuss his plans for the next few years. Although promoting the album seemed to be his teams main aim, Matthew had a different view I love my fans thats the most crucial point and whether it means touring the world I want them to join this journey with me! Grounded this guy most definitely is.

Friday 13 February 2015

Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread

Photo shoot plan and photos

                                                              Please click this picture above to my Photoshoot plan Prezi